Chef Spotlight: Nick Kennedy

In the bustling kitchen of Archie’s Farm Restaurant & Bar here at Hyatt Place Melbourne Caribbean Park, there exists a culinary maestro, a wizard of flavours and a storyteller of taste—our very own Chef Nick Kennedy.

In this Chef Spotlight, we invite you to uncover the tale behind the delectable masterpieces that grace our tables.

Origins of a Culinary Prodigy

Nick's journey began in 2004, a culinary odyssey that has taken him across continents, absorbing the diverse flavours and cultures of the world. For the past eight years, he has graced our picturesque Australian shores, infusing his dishes with a unique blend of global influences.

Crafting Culinary Philosophy

"What is your cooking philosophy?" we ask Nick. With a thoughtful expression, he shares,

"Uncomplicated flavours that marry well together, focusing on local and seasonal ingredients. I love using a lot of herbs to bring in freshness and add layers to my dishes."

Techniques and Signature Styles

Nick's culinary arsenal is filled with a variety of techniques and styles. "I lean towards Modern European cuisine, applying classic techniques with a modern twist. Smoking and sous vide are among my favorites. I used to be called Nick le Herb – I love the versatility of herbs and their ability to elevate a dish."

As we delve deeper, Nick unveils some of his favourite ingredients – fennel, coriander seeds and caraway. He speaks passionately about smoking, a technique he adores for the unique flavors it imparts, and also loving the concept of gels. “Making gels out of ingredients adds texture and colour to the plate, compared to traditional pureers. It’s a stable ingredient that can transform a dish.”

Beyond the Kitchen: A Culinary Advocate

Beyond the kitchen, Nick is an ambassador for Burnt Chef Project, a globally recognised not-for-profit social enterprise in the industry.

“There's no reason why burnout should be the norm. We all have lives outside of work, and it's crucial to create a safe and supportive work environment.”

Nick shares a poignant personal story of being a beacon of hope for a fellow chef in crisis. "I once encountered a chef contemplating taking his own life. Through support, involving the police and family, we managed to put him back on track. It's a reminder of the importance of looking out for one another."

Amidst the highs and lows, Nick has had the privilege of cooking for none other than Taylor Swift and her entourage on Whitehaven Beach for her birthday, a memorable experience in his culinary journey.

Advice for Aspiring Chefs

For those aspiring to follow in his footsteps, Nick offers valuable advice.

"It's a fulfilling space to be in the industry. You can go far, with numerous avenues to explore. It feels rewarding to be a part of a team working towards a common goal of making guests happy.“

Nick Kennedy's journey is not just about creating delectable dishes; it's a testament to resilience, passion, and the belief that, in the world of culinary arts, there are no limits, only endless possibilities.

So come and visit us at Archie’s Farm Restaurant & Bar open all day, everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your journey into the extraordinary begins here, where each plate is a canvas painted with passion, precision, and a profound love for the art of gastronomy using local and seasonal produce.


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